Welcome to OptigoVN!
This guide will walk you through the steps to get started with OptigoVN and make the most out of its features.
Table of Contents
- Creating Your Account
- Navigating the Dashboard
- Creating Your First OT Network
- Importing Data Into Optigo Visual Networks
- Manually Uploading a PCAP File
- 24/7 Network Monitoring Using Optigo Networks Capture Tool
- 24/7 Network Monitoring Using a JACE and Optigo Networks Capture Tool
- Purchasing Add-Ons
- Site Scopes and Site Scope+
- Additional Users
- Modifying a Subscription
- Accessing Help and Support
Creating Your Account
To begin, sign up for an OptigoVN account using your email address. Once you've registered, check your email for a link to activate your account. This will automatically create an Organization workspace that can accommodate OT networks and users.
1. Visit app.optigovn.com, and click Create Your Free Account to create a new OptigoVN account.
2. Enter your organization name and contact information in the form.
3. Select User Type, then review and agree to the Terms of Use before clicking Submit.
Navigating the Dashboard
The dashboard is divided into the following sections:
- Sidebar: Lists all the OT Networks you have access to.
- Header: Provides quick access to Home, Diagnostics, Packets, Events, Devices, and Settings.
- OT Network Summary: This central pane allows you to create new OT Networks and manage existing ones.
- User Summary: Allows you to invite and manage users.
- Add-Ons: Here, you can purchase subscriptions and manage existing subscriptions.
Please follow this link for a more detailed explanation of the sections mentioned above.
Creating Your First OT Network
To use OptigoVN, you first need to create an OT network to upload your BACnet data to.
Please see the video below for details.
Importing Data Into OptigoVN
OptigoVN offers three convenient methods for importing data into the system: manual packet capture uploads, through an Optigo Networks capture tool, or through a JACE with an Optigo Networks capture tool.
OptigoVN offers unlimited data and packet uploads.
Option 1:
Manually Uploading a PCAP File
To upload a packet capture (PCAP) file, select a Monitoring Node and click Upload Files. Select the PCAP file(s) you want to analyze from your computer. Once you've uploaded a PCAP file, allow the system some time to process the data (you can follow the progress bar in the lower right corner), then click Refresh to display the diagnostic results.
Please see the video below for details.
Option 2:
24/7 Network Monitoring Using Optigo Networks Capture Tool
Optigo Networks offers both hardware and software capture tool options. Our BACnet Capture Tools allow you to easily capture BACnet IP and BACnet MS/TP traffic throughout your network.
We recommend starting with the software capture tool. For detailed instructions on installation and scheduling, see the OptigoVN Capture Tool download and installation guide, and the video below.
Option 3:
24/7 Network Monitoring Using a JACE & Optigo Networks Capture Tool
Additional Users
Giving additional users from your organization access to your OptigoVN account is easy and free of charge. Note: additional users can only be added from your existing organization. To invite users from external organizations, please see the article on OT network sharing.
- From the sidebar, select what you want your user to have access to, which can be either the entire organization or an individual OT network.
- Click any of the Invite User buttons displayed.
- Complete the invitation form and click Send Invitation.
Access will be granted once the user registers via the link provided in the email invitation.
Note: You can manage your users from the User Summary panel on the dashboard, which allows you to deactivate users, reset passwords, and filter the list of users displayed.
Purchasing Add-Ons
When you create a free OptigoVN account, you'll enjoy unrestricted access to monitor and assess the health of your OT network.
To expand your capabilities, such as accessing in-depth network insights or sharing your OT networks with other organizations via Site Scope+, you will need to purchase add-ons.
To purchase add-ons, please navigate to your OptigoVN account's parent organization and choose the Home option, followed by Add-Ons.
Then, find the add-on you need, click the 'Subscribe' button, and follow the prompts to load your shopping cart and complete your purchase.
Site Scopes and Site Scope+
Both of these add-ons unlock advanced tools and diagnostic insights, providing a detailed analysis of your OT network down to the device level, empowering you to solve even the most complex of problems. However, there are some differences, which, depending on your needs, may make one preferable over the other.
Site Scopes
A Site Scope enables a user to access advanced tools and diagnostics for every monitoring node under it, with no limit on the number of devices. Site Scopes may also be reassigned to different OT networks, which can be handy for system integrators who are transitioning from one job to another. Please note this add-on is only available for organizations that have selected "Third Party Service Provider" as their User Type when registering a new account.
Site Scope+
Site Scope+ enables end users to access advanced tools and diagnostics for every monitoring node under it. It also allows you to share access to that OT network with anyone inside or outside organizations.
Please note this is the default add-on option for organizations that have selected "Building Owner of Facilities Management Company" as their User Type.
Please follow this link or a more detailed comparison of these two add-ons.
Modifying a Subscription
To modify a subscription, simply scroll down to the Manage Add-Ons section and do the following:
- Find the add-on subscription you want to modify and click the Modify button on the far right.
- Select the Add option, which will allow you to immediately add either Site Scopes or Site Scope+ to your current subscription.
- Additionally, you can select the Modify option to make changes to your subscription that won't take effect until the end of the term.
Accessing Help and Support
Please click on the profile icon located at the top right of the header section, then hover your cursor over the Help option to access links to support resources.
Additionally, you can reach support by sending an email to support@optigo.net or by clicking on the chat icon (bottom right) to initiate a support chat.
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