The Devices page allows you to see devices that were discovered on the Edge Switch ports for a given timestamp. The primary information discovered includes the MAC address of the device and the Edge Switch port that the device is connected to. If a device's IP address is detected, this information will also be displayed. This page helps users keep track of the devices connected to their system, including the associated security rules.
Some screenshots in this article will look a bit different on systems that are managing a supported router via OneView™. For more details, please read the app note Router Management with OneView™.
Navigate to the Devices page
From the left-hand side of the OneView screen, click on 'Devices'.
To discover devices, click the 'Do IP Scan' button on the top-right. Doing this will open a prompt where you can input an IP address and VLAN to attempt to discover devices.
Scans are done with a 24-bit subnet, and you cannot scan on the MGMT VLAN (e.g. 10 in the screenshot below). This procedure will also discover MAC addresses on all Edge Switch ports, regardless of VLAN or subnet, using the forwarding databases of the Edge Switches.
Devices that have already been discovered will be displayed in the table that you see when you navigate to the page. Use the filters and different sorting methods to narrow down your search.
If an IP address is found for a device, it will be displayed in the 'IP address' column of the table. However, IP addresses that respond during the scan, but do not have a MAC address entry, will not be added to the table.
Deleting Entries
You can delete device entries by checking the items you want to delete and then clicking the 'Remove' button. Only visible entries will be deleted; entries that are filtered or that are on a different page will not be deleted.
IP Addresses with No Entry
As mentioned earlier, IP addresses with no known MAC-port association will not be displayed in the table. This means that devices plugged into the ONS-S8, which at the time of this writing does not support MAC address discovery in OneView, will not show up in the table.
This also applies to Edge Switches that are stuck in the 'failed' state, where the switch's management is inaccessible, but traffic is still passing through the switch.
Data Collection
When data collection is enabled, OneView will periodically gather information in the background.
- MAC address information will be gathered from Edge Switches
- IP address information will be gathered from DHCP leases if a router is connected
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