OneView's Status page provides a summary of your entire system's current state, including uptime, the ONS-S8's temperature (not applicable in Hybrid mode), the number of Edge Switches you currently have online, the number of ports in the system that are connected to devices, and the state of the ONS-S8's optical ports (not applicable in Hybrid mode). The system can also be reset from this page.
This screen will look a bit different on systems that are managing a supported router via OneView™. For more details, please read the app note Router Management with OneView™.
Accessing the Status Page
To access the Status page, just click on Status in the System dropdown menu on the left side of the screen.
(NOTE: The Status page is the first screen you see when you log into OneView)
This widget displays the total amount of time that has elapsed since the system was last powered up.
Unit Temperature
This widget displays the ONS-S8's current temperature (not applicable in Hybrid mode).
This widget displays the current status of your OneView system's license. Click on it to be taken to the 'Licensing' page. For more information on OneView licensing, please refer to the Licensing application note .
Edge Switches
This widget displays the number of Edge Switches that are currently online (actual) versus the total number of Edge Switches that have ever registered with the system (expected).
For instance, if your Connect system contained 10 Edge Switches, but only 8 of them were actually online and communicating with OneView, then it would read '8/10 Online'.
Ports Connected
This widget displays the number of ports in the system that are currently connected to devices. The ports on the system's Edge Switches and the Aggregation Switch are included in this total.
Optical Ports
This table displays the status of the optical ports on the ONS-S8 (not applicable in Hybrid mode). In addition to indicating the temperature of the ONS-SX-SFP plugged into each optical port (N/A if there's no SFP present), the current 'Link Status' is also displayed. You will see one of three potential Link Statuses:
There is currently no SFP plugged into the optical port
There is an SFP plugged into the optical port, but no fiber-connected devices
There is an SFP plugged into the optical port and fiber-connected devices
Reboot Unit
To reboot the system via OneView, click on the 'Reboot Unit' button at the bottom of the 'Status' screen.
After pressing the 'Reboot Unit' button, a dialog box will appear that offers reboot options.
On Spectra systems, the user will be presented with the option to reboot only the Network Controller (ONS-NC600) or also the Aggregation Switch (ONS-S8) at the same time (as in the above screenshot).
On Hybrid systems the only option available is to reboot the Network Controller, so only the 'Reboot Network Controller' button is visible.
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